Wow. I'm very impressed with this. You sir most likely worked your ass off to make this and in making it you've proven you're a true Madness Combat fan and other fans will love this game.
Characters: You brought a ton of characters from the Madness series from it's characters like Hank, Deimos, Sanford, Jesus, Tricky, the Auditor, even the Sheriff makes a cameo appearance. You brought many of the enemies from the series as well. The only character I think you might have missed (or I might have missed) was the Sun. But no big deal if he's left out.
Weapons and Armor: Excellent amount of there's all sorts of combinations to figure out how to make your team a dangerous force to be reckoned with. Though I'm still missing one set so I may be wrong. I would have loved a Jesus set of armor and maybe the Chainsaw, but doesn't ruin the game still great to play.
I'm glad you didn't chose a level up system cause 1. It would have probably made this game harder. 2. Eliminates grinding.
There's some replay Value thanks to Medals and trying to find all the rooms (I'm still missing ONE room though so I'm still playing) and I'm pretty impressed it takes quite a few hours to get through the whole game, be nice if it was longer but you already probably your ass off on this and you're apparently planning a sequel so I won't complain about it any further.
I was a little sad to see Jesus was the easiest of the bosses and it raises the question how zombies are still showing up if you killed Jesus (ehh probably the Improbablity Drive or something). Shame you didn't fight the Auditor himself but you're probably saving it for the sequel.
Another really random question. What's with the random room that leads you to space? Does this actually do something cause I'm stumped here.
Well regardless good game, and I'll undoubtedly play this multiple times. Great job best of luck with the sequel and take your time with it.